£199 for each additional DNA report
Nutrigenomics examines how diet & nutrients affect gene expression. Our genes hold key controlling roles in metabolism, detoxification, energy production, hormone function, cardiovascular health, inflammation & cell renewal, as well as resilience & mental health. Imbalances in these biological pathways can have profound effects on health & ageing, and are enormously influenced by diet & lifestyle.
Who’s it for
For those who want to age better, this is the next step in biohacking: learning your
personalised nutrient requirements & lifestyle advice tailored to your unique DNA results, to help mitigate disease risk & optimise overall cellular health.
For concerns about chronic disease in your family history, such as diabetes,
cardiovascular issues or cancer, Nutrigenomics can provide actionable information for you to help improve your disease risk factors.
For those looking to address existing health concerns such as fatigue, poor sleep, mood & anxiety, food sensitivities, vitamin deficiency, high cholesterol or digestive & hormonal issues, Nutrigenomics can look at key metabolic areas where your genetic expression may be compromised and contributing to these symptoms.
Key Benefits
Nutrigenomics identifies our personal nutrient requirements & how to optimise our genetic expression, helping to improve current & future health concerns, supporting overall wellness & the ageing process. It’s proactive, personalised, targeted.
About Treatment
Which DNA test to choose will depend on your health concerns & current symptoms - the different tests include genes involved in hormone balance, methylation, energy & metabolism, the nervous system, detoxification, thyroid balance, histamine & APOE/cognition.
The Nutrient Core DNA report examines genes involved in key biological pathways that govern overall metabolic health, food/vitamin responsiveness & susceptibility to chronic disease, and is an ideal broad spectrum test for anyone looking to pinpoint where overall improvements can be made to their health.
The Metabolics DNA report focuses on key biological pathways that underpin energy regulation & longevity, including genes involved in appetite, blood sugar & weight imbalances, digestive & liver detox issues, mitochondrial damage, low energy & cholesterol/cardiovascular disease.