Astro Facial


The Astro Facial is a world-first fusion of skin health and astrology. This radical collaboration combines personalised skin health with elements of astrology, creating a truly unique and transformative treatment that bring a multidimensional approach to well-being. The 75-minute Astro Facial seamlessly integrates a scientifically-led approach with neurocosmetics, acknowledging the intricate connection between the brain and the skin. With carefully selected ingredients, advanced technology, and a meditative light trip, this treatment addresses skin health concerns while promoting relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being. Experience a true convergence of ancient wisdom and modern science at Salon C Stellar.

*** As a bonus, you will receive your own personal Zodiac Face Oil from Children of Earth Skincare so you can continue your selfcare journey at home.

Who it’s for

Designed for everyone including sensitive skin and expectant mothers. Yes, we have taken extra care to create a facial that can be enjoyed during pregnancy too. Embracing science along with your woo woo side, this facial delivers and aligns with your conscious lifestyle choices.  

Key benefits
Delivers glowing, snatched, plumped skin via carefully selected ingredients, including your curated Zodiac oil, live probiotics, growth factors, and cutting-edge technology such as radio frequency and medically certified LED meditative light trip. It not only addresses skincare concerns like aging, sensitivity, or acne but also provides a sense of relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being via client astrology specific guided mediations during the treatment


Step 1

You’ll begin with a double cleanse followed by a skin analysis (don’t panic, your therapist has seen it all before). Your face will be masterfully massaged with your individual moon sign Zodiac oil and if you are keen there’s an optional intra-oral technique too! Steam, exfoliation, extractions and milia removal are all included and perfectly tailored to you.

Step 2

Next – the bit that sprinkles stardust onto your treatment. Your therapist will design a combination of electrical modalities based on what you want to achieve. For example, you could opt for the microcurrent gloves which she will wear and work her wrinkle smoothing, muscle and contour tightening, dark circle reducing, skin improving and puffiness-minimising magic with.

Step 3

Finally, enjoy an alginate mask then guided light trip with comprises of a guided Astro meditation selected on how you are feeling and what you need in the moment along with a medically certified Dermalux MD LED (Note: this is the Ferrari of LEDs that isn’t usually found in clinics but mainly hospitals. Why do we use it at Salon C. Stellar? Because, in short, we are the future! And to end your treatment, your therapist will apply the finishing product regime tailored to your skin.